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Year 2020, Volume: 11 Issue: 26, 291 - 301, 28.02.2020


In the study, the relationships among extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, and performance are discussed. Firstly, the concepts of extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation are discussed. External and internal motivation factors are included. Motivation theories and extrinsic and intrinsic motivation theories are tried to be explained. Performance concept and performance dimensions (task performance and contextual performance) are mentioned. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation factors are important in performance improvement. This is proven by previous studies. However, in the study, the interaction among extrinsic motivation, and intrinsic motivation, and performance are discussed with theories. It is examined from the theoretical point of view that extrinsic motivation positively affects internal motivation and performance. Intrinsic motivation also positively affects performance. In addition, it is demonstrated that extrinsic motivation will improve performance both directly and through intrinsic motivation. The limited number of similar studies in the literature makes the research valuable.


  • Ağca, V. ve Ertan, H. (2008). Duygusal bağlılık içsel motivasyon ilişkisi: Antalya'da beş yıldızlı otellerde bir inceleme. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, X(II), 135-156.
  • Akat, İ., Budak, G. ve Budak, G. (1994). İşletme yönetimi. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım.
  • Atkinson, J. W. (1964). Introduction to motivation. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand.
  • Ayan, A. (2015). Etik liderlik tarzının iş performansı, içsel motivasyon ve duyarsızlaşma üzerine etkisi: Kamu kuruluşunda bir uygulama. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 10(3), 117-141.
  • Bess, T. L. (2001). Exploring the dimensionality of situational judgment: task and contextual knowledge. A Thesis of Master, The Faculty of Virginia Polytechnic Institue and State University, ABD.
  • Borman, W. C. (2004). The concept of organizational citizenship. Current Directions In Psychological Science, 13(6), 238-240.
  • Borman, W. C. ve Motowidlo, S. J. (1993). Expanding the criterion domain to include elements of contextual performance. N. Schmitt, W.C. Borman ve Associates (Eds.) Personnel selection in organizations içinde (71-98). San Francisco:Jossey-Bass Inc.
  • Brief, A. P. ve Motowidlo, S. J. (1986). Prosocial organizational behaviors. Academy of Management Review, 11, 710-725
  • Chaudhry, S M. (2008). Enhancing motivation and work performance of the salespeople. The International Journal of Applied Management and Technology, 6(1), 161-181.
  • Deci, E. L., Vallerand, R. J., Pelletier, L. G. ve Ryan, R. M. (1991). Motivation and education: The self-determination perspective. Educational Psychologist, 26(3-4), 325¬-346.
  • Deci, E. L. ve Ryan, R. M. (2000). The "what" and "why" of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Ingquiry, 11(4), 227-268.
  • Deci, E. L. (1971). The effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motiva¬tion. Journal of Personality And Social Psychology, 18, 105-115.
  • Deci, E .L. (1972). The effect of contingent and noncontingent rewards and control on intrinsic motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Perfor¬mance, 8, 217-229.
  • Dündar, S., Özutku, H. ve Taşpınar, F.(2007). İçsel ve dışsal motivasyon araçlarının işgörenlerin motivasyonu üzerindeki etkisi: Ampirik bir inceleme. Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret Ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 105-119.
  • Eisenberger, R. ve Shanock, L. (2003). Rewards, intrinsic motivation and creativity: A case study of conceptual and methodological isolation. Creativity Research Journal, 15(2/3), 121-130.
  • Gagne, M. ve Deci, E. L. (2005). Self-determination theory and work motivation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(4), 331¬-362.
  • Griffin, M. A., Neal, A. ve Neale, M. (2000). The contribution of task performance and contextual performance to effectiveness: Investigating the role of situational constraints. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 49(3), 517-533.
  • Güdül, D. M. (2015). Üniversite öğrencilerinin akademik motivasyon profillerinin psikolojik ihtiyaç doyumu, akademik erteleme ve yaşam doyumu ile ilişkisi. Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
  • Güney, S. (2013). Davranış bilimleri. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: how do you motivate employees? Harvard Business Review, January–February, 46 (1):53–62.
  • Jawahar, I.M. ve Dean, C. (2007). Conscientiousness and contextual performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(4), 330-349.
  • Koçel, T. (2010). İşletme yöneticiliği. İstanbul: Beta Basım.
  • Korkmaz, S. (2008). Hastahanelerde doktor, hemşire ve ebelerin motivasyonunu etkileten faktörler: bir uygulama.Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Mersin.
  • Köroğlu, Ö. (2011). İş doyumu ve motivasyon düzeylerini etkileyen faktörlerin performansla ilişkisi: Turist rehberleri üzerine bir araştırma. Doktora Tezi, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Balıkesir.
  • Kuvaas, B. (2006). Work performance, affective commitment and work motivation: The roles of pay administration and pay level. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27(3), 365-385.
  • Luthans, F. (1992). Organizational behavior. 6. Edition, New York: Mc Graw Hill.
  • Markova, G. ve Ford, C. (2011). Is money panacea? rewards for knowledge workers. International Journal Of Productivity and Performance Management, 60(8), 813-823.
  • Maslow, A., (1970). Motivation and personality. New york: Harper.
  • Motowidlo, S. J., Borman, W. C ve Schmit, M. J. (1997). A theory of individual differences in task and contextual performance. Human Performance, 10(2), 71-83.
  • Mottaz, J. C. (1985). The relative importance of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards as determinants of wok satisfaction. The Sociological Quarterly, 26 (3).
  • Muogbo, U. S. (2013). The ınfluence of motivation on employees’ performance: A study of some selected firms in Anambra State. An International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2(3), 134-151.
  • Neshat, Y. A. ve Fakhri, S. L. (2011). Designing the work motivation model staff employee of offshore oil company. International Conference On Social Science And Humanity, IACSIT Press, 5, 437-441.
  • Organ, D. W. (1997). Organizational citizenship behavior: Its construct clean-up time. Human Performance, 10, 85-98.
  • Organ, D. W. (1988). A restatement of the satisfaction-performance hypothesis. Journal of Management, 14, 547-557.
  • Rotundo, M. ve Sackett, P. R. (2002). The relative importance of task, citizenship, and counterproductive performance to global ratings of job performance: A policy capturing approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(1), 66-80.
  • Ryan, R. M., ve Deci, E. L. (2000b). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social develeopment and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68-78.
  • Ryan, R. M., ve Deci, E. L. (2000a). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic definations and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 54-67. Şimşek, Ş. M., Akgemci, T. ve Çelik A. (2001). Davranış bilimlerine giriş ve örgütlerde davranış. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Tietjen, M. A. ve Myers, R. M. (1998). Motivation and job satisfaction. Management Decision, 36(4), 226-231.
  • Vallerand, R. J. ve Ratelle, C. F. (2004). Instrinsic and extrinsic motivation: A hierarchical model. E. L. Deci ve R. M. Ryan (Eds.), Handbook of self-determination içinde (37-65),
  • Rochester: University of Rochester Press.
  • Van Scotter, J. R. ve Motowidlo, S. J. (1996). Interpersonal facilitation and job dedication as separate facets of contextual performance. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 81(5), 525-¬531.
  • William, A. N. (2010). Employee motivation and performance. Bachelor's Thesis Business Management, Mikkeli University And Applied Sciences.
  •, (25 Mayıs 2016)
  • Yousaf, A.,Yang H. ve Sanders, K. (2015). Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on task and contextual performance of pakistani professionals: The mediating role of commitment foci. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(2 ), 133-150.


Year 2020, Volume: 11 Issue: 26, 291 - 301, 28.02.2020


Bu çalışma kapsamında dışsal motivasyon, içsel motivasyon ve performans arasındaki ilişkiler ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle dışsal motivasyon ve içsel motivasyon kavramları ele alınmıştır. Dışsal ve içsel motivasyon faktörlerine yer verilmiştir. Motivasyon kuramları ile dışsal ve içsel motivasyon kuramlarla anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Performans kavramı ve performans boyutlarından (görev performansı ve bağlamsal performans) bahsedilmiştir. Performans artışında dışsal ve içsel motivasyon faktörlerinin önemli olduğu görülmektedir. Konu ile ilgili önceki çalışmalar da bunu göstermektedir. Ancak bu çalışmada dışsal ve içsel motivasyon ile performans etkileşimi kuramlarla ele alınmıştır. Dışsal motivasyonun, içsel motivasyonu ve performansı pozitif yönde etkilediği kuramsal bakış açısıyla incelenmiştir.Yine benzer bakış açısıyla içsel motivasyonun da performansı pozitif yönde etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca dışsal motivasyonun performansı hem doğrudan artıracağı hem de içsel motivasyon aracılığıyla artıracağı ortaya konulmuştur. Literatürde benzer çalışma sayısının az olması araştırmayı değerli hale getirmektedir.


  • Ağca, V. ve Ertan, H. (2008). Duygusal bağlılık içsel motivasyon ilişkisi: Antalya'da beş yıldızlı otellerde bir inceleme. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, X(II), 135-156.
  • Akat, İ., Budak, G. ve Budak, G. (1994). İşletme yönetimi. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım.
  • Atkinson, J. W. (1964). Introduction to motivation. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand.
  • Ayan, A. (2015). Etik liderlik tarzının iş performansı, içsel motivasyon ve duyarsızlaşma üzerine etkisi: Kamu kuruluşunda bir uygulama. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 10(3), 117-141.
  • Bess, T. L. (2001). Exploring the dimensionality of situational judgment: task and contextual knowledge. A Thesis of Master, The Faculty of Virginia Polytechnic Institue and State University, ABD.
  • Borman, W. C. (2004). The concept of organizational citizenship. Current Directions In Psychological Science, 13(6), 238-240.
  • Borman, W. C. ve Motowidlo, S. J. (1993). Expanding the criterion domain to include elements of contextual performance. N. Schmitt, W.C. Borman ve Associates (Eds.) Personnel selection in organizations içinde (71-98). San Francisco:Jossey-Bass Inc.
  • Brief, A. P. ve Motowidlo, S. J. (1986). Prosocial organizational behaviors. Academy of Management Review, 11, 710-725
  • Chaudhry, S M. (2008). Enhancing motivation and work performance of the salespeople. The International Journal of Applied Management and Technology, 6(1), 161-181.
  • Deci, E. L., Vallerand, R. J., Pelletier, L. G. ve Ryan, R. M. (1991). Motivation and education: The self-determination perspective. Educational Psychologist, 26(3-4), 325¬-346.
  • Deci, E. L. ve Ryan, R. M. (2000). The "what" and "why" of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Ingquiry, 11(4), 227-268.
  • Deci, E. L. (1971). The effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motiva¬tion. Journal of Personality And Social Psychology, 18, 105-115.
  • Deci, E .L. (1972). The effect of contingent and noncontingent rewards and control on intrinsic motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Perfor¬mance, 8, 217-229.
  • Dündar, S., Özutku, H. ve Taşpınar, F.(2007). İçsel ve dışsal motivasyon araçlarının işgörenlerin motivasyonu üzerindeki etkisi: Ampirik bir inceleme. Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret Ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 105-119.
  • Eisenberger, R. ve Shanock, L. (2003). Rewards, intrinsic motivation and creativity: A case study of conceptual and methodological isolation. Creativity Research Journal, 15(2/3), 121-130.
  • Gagne, M. ve Deci, E. L. (2005). Self-determination theory and work motivation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(4), 331¬-362.
  • Griffin, M. A., Neal, A. ve Neale, M. (2000). The contribution of task performance and contextual performance to effectiveness: Investigating the role of situational constraints. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 49(3), 517-533.
  • Güdül, D. M. (2015). Üniversite öğrencilerinin akademik motivasyon profillerinin psikolojik ihtiyaç doyumu, akademik erteleme ve yaşam doyumu ile ilişkisi. Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
  • Güney, S. (2013). Davranış bilimleri. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: how do you motivate employees? Harvard Business Review, January–February, 46 (1):53–62.
  • Jawahar, I.M. ve Dean, C. (2007). Conscientiousness and contextual performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(4), 330-349.
  • Koçel, T. (2010). İşletme yöneticiliği. İstanbul: Beta Basım.
  • Korkmaz, S. (2008). Hastahanelerde doktor, hemşire ve ebelerin motivasyonunu etkileten faktörler: bir uygulama.Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Mersin.
  • Köroğlu, Ö. (2011). İş doyumu ve motivasyon düzeylerini etkileyen faktörlerin performansla ilişkisi: Turist rehberleri üzerine bir araştırma. Doktora Tezi, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Balıkesir.
  • Kuvaas, B. (2006). Work performance, affective commitment and work motivation: The roles of pay administration and pay level. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27(3), 365-385.
  • Luthans, F. (1992). Organizational behavior. 6. Edition, New York: Mc Graw Hill.
  • Markova, G. ve Ford, C. (2011). Is money panacea? rewards for knowledge workers. International Journal Of Productivity and Performance Management, 60(8), 813-823.
  • Maslow, A., (1970). Motivation and personality. New york: Harper.
  • Motowidlo, S. J., Borman, W. C ve Schmit, M. J. (1997). A theory of individual differences in task and contextual performance. Human Performance, 10(2), 71-83.
  • Mottaz, J. C. (1985). The relative importance of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards as determinants of wok satisfaction. The Sociological Quarterly, 26 (3).
  • Muogbo, U. S. (2013). The ınfluence of motivation on employees’ performance: A study of some selected firms in Anambra State. An International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2(3), 134-151.
  • Neshat, Y. A. ve Fakhri, S. L. (2011). Designing the work motivation model staff employee of offshore oil company. International Conference On Social Science And Humanity, IACSIT Press, 5, 437-441.
  • Organ, D. W. (1997). Organizational citizenship behavior: Its construct clean-up time. Human Performance, 10, 85-98.
  • Organ, D. W. (1988). A restatement of the satisfaction-performance hypothesis. Journal of Management, 14, 547-557.
  • Rotundo, M. ve Sackett, P. R. (2002). The relative importance of task, citizenship, and counterproductive performance to global ratings of job performance: A policy capturing approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(1), 66-80.
  • Ryan, R. M., ve Deci, E. L. (2000b). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social develeopment and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68-78.
  • Ryan, R. M., ve Deci, E. L. (2000a). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic definations and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 54-67. Şimşek, Ş. M., Akgemci, T. ve Çelik A. (2001). Davranış bilimlerine giriş ve örgütlerde davranış. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Tietjen, M. A. ve Myers, R. M. (1998). Motivation and job satisfaction. Management Decision, 36(4), 226-231.
  • Vallerand, R. J. ve Ratelle, C. F. (2004). Instrinsic and extrinsic motivation: A hierarchical model. E. L. Deci ve R. M. Ryan (Eds.), Handbook of self-determination içinde (37-65),
  • Rochester: University of Rochester Press.
  • Van Scotter, J. R. ve Motowidlo, S. J. (1996). Interpersonal facilitation and job dedication as separate facets of contextual performance. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 81(5), 525-¬531.
  • William, A. N. (2010). Employee motivation and performance. Bachelor's Thesis Business Management, Mikkeli University And Applied Sciences.
  •, (25 Mayıs 2016)
  • Yousaf, A.,Yang H. ve Sanders, K. (2015). Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on task and contextual performance of pakistani professionals: The mediating role of commitment foci. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(2 ), 133-150.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review Articles

Mecbure Aslan 0000-0002-4213-5857

Selen Doğan 0000-0002-4019-5581

Publication Date February 28, 2020
Submission Date October 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 11 Issue: 26


APA Aslan, M., & Doğan, S. (2020). DIŞSAL MOTİVASYON, İÇSEL MOTİVASYON VE PERFORMANS ETKİLEŞİMİNE KURAMSAL BİR BAKIŞ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 11(26), 291-301.

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