
Journal of Eskisehir Turkish World Application and Research Center (ESTUDAM) Informatics is an international refereed journal aiming to give information about innovation, academic research and technological developments in the fields of computer engineering, software engineering and information technologies. Journal of ESTUDAM Informatics aims to provide information about the latest technologies in the theory and practice of studies of interest. The journal is published electronically by Eskişehir Osmangazi University Eskişehir Turkish World Application and Research Center, twice per years (in June and December). Manuscripts are examined with double blind referee application; accepted papers are printed as open access (free access). The language of the journal is Turkish or English and includes abstracts in both languages. Journal of ESTUDAM Information is indexed by Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, ASOS Index and ROAD Index.

Journal of ESTUDAM Information is indexed by Index Copernicus, Google ScholarASOS Index and ROAD index.